Friday Random Ten

Drunken Philosopher's Edition, inspired by the post below.
- "Bruce's Philosopher's Song" - Monty Python
- "Hot For Teacher" - Richard Cheese (as cheesy as the original Van Halen was, Richard is the ultimate lounge act and takes it to a whole different level)
- "Starve a Fever" - The Atomic Fireballs
- "She Drives Me Crazy" - The Fine Young Cannibals (actually just this song does)
- "Don't Get Me Wrong" - The Pretenders (true story, when I worked for Star Tickets, they did a show at the Austin Music Hall, and when the tickets went on sale, after the rush was done, one of my younger employees looks up and says "What are The Pretenders?" God I felt old.)
- "Snoopy and Woodstock" - Wynton Marsalis
- "Marlene'd" - X-Rated Presents (a friend's band, their website's down right now)
- "The Great Gig In The Sky" - Pink Floyd (Dark Side of the Moon kicks so much ass)
- "409" - The Beach Boys (It's no Little Red Corvette, that's for damn sure)
- "Omnibus" - Lautsprecher
Feministe's 10 for today. She admits that she sometimes skips songs when selecting her 10, but today is 100% honest. I vouch I suffered through "409" and FYC completely.
Patrick succumbs to the music meme, but displays a deplorable contempt for Catblogging. His loss.
Doghouse Riley adds his old school vinyl mix again, and brings out a couple of artists I have not heard of/thought of in forever. Pere Ubu? Was (not Was)? Oh my god. And no, it wasn't Do the Dinosaur on Was Not Was.
Offer up your own in the comments if you're so inclined.
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